for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
C.B. Cariapa Memorial Award
This award, has been started by our very own Trustee – Dr Illana Cariapa - in loving memory of her father Late Mr. C.B. Cariapa.
Dr Illana Cariapa, has supported the work at Com DEALL since its inception and has always borne in mind the needs of the staff. She has also been very active in ensuring that the Com DEALL staff learn and continue to grow while they work at DEALL.
In keeping with this, through this award, The Com DEALL Trust, Bangalore invites applications from staff members across Com DEALL affiliate units – to be awarded for
(a) a Research Paper published in indexed journals based on or relevant to the goals of the Trust
(b) for a completed CommunicAid.
Staff members will nominate themselves for the award and with due diligence by the Trust, an award winner will be decided upon each year.
The winner will be rewarded with a beautiful engraved memento and cash prize of 5000 INR.
The award, for its first year was presented for - The Com DEALL Visual kit, to staff from the Head Office - Ms Ruth Cherian, Ms Tanushree Saxena Chandhok and Ms Lekshmipriya.